Feel Vibrant, Live Younger, Be ENERGIZED to do what you love.
Thai Tiger - Peanut Chicken Lettuce Wraps Light hearted and zesty - serve the filling warm on cool lettuce - with a beautiful hot tea. Will warm the stomach, calm the heart and lift your energy. Experiment [...]
Cabbage Soupathon DIY Food Detox - use common sense and follow these basic directions. For those who have not done an elimination diet before start with one day! The more familiar and comfortable you [...]
Almond Meal Faux Chocolate Chip Cookies Cookies are cookies. These are potentially vegan and gluten free. It all depends what you grew up with - cookies faux or not faux are special treats! Great to have a [...]
Clayton's Non- Faux Cranberry Lemon Squares Repeated requests means these have to be good! Very festive with the cranberries! Feeling guilty ? well we talked about this on the youtube channel Faux Christmas Treats! Base: 6tbsp butter room temp [...]
Real Men DO Detox! Guys...if you are looking to improve or maintain good health ---detox is a necessity! Detox is not just for the girlfriend, wife, mother, sister, trainer or "something" others do! Here are my TOP TEN MUST DO' [...]
Real Man's Quiche Whoa - of course they eat quiche! Serve this up! hot out of the oven or it may be a late night sneak out of the refrigerator. Side of pan fried potatoes is more likely welcomed [...]
The Syndrome of Never Well Since... Understanding the concept of "Never Well Since" as a pharmacist was not fully appreciated until I studied naturopathic medicine and it became a valuable therapeutic tool in understanding and treating a variety of [...]
Sweet Potato and Cashew Pasta on Spinach Craving carbs at change of season is not unusual... Have a treat! Use rice spiral pasta - I prefer bulk vs packaged rice pasta as there seems to be a taste difference! [...]
Turkey Curry Stew Turkey - high in tryptophan - an amino acid promoting good vibes and good sleep. Although indigestion from overeating and an unusual amount of food types coming together is often more a case for sleeplessness. A [...]
Eggs - The Symbol of Feminine Creative Power Enjoy a twist on classic devilled eggs. A wee bit finicky so during the preparation process enjoy with mindful awareness the power of feminine nature present to produce such a gift. [...]
Mother Nature Always Wins This mother’s day weekend is a beautiful time to acknowledge all the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters and the feminine traits in all things – in women, men, plants, animals and the natural forces. To nurture [...]
Dandelion Salad My friends on the farm were discussing the bitter taste of greens for spring cleansing the liver, the attitude and digestive tract. Pesticide free dandelion greens (if you are collecting your own - not by the road [...]