My Mom’s Healing Turkey Soup

My Mom’s Healing Turkey Soup Turkey remnants – bones, shredded meat, leftover drippings Cover with cold water by 1” to create the soup base or stock Quality salt, pepper, garlic cloves grated Parsley – half fresh bunch 4 – 6 celery stalks plus leaves 2-3 large onions well chopped tsp dried thyme 1-2 bay [...]

Holiday Heartburn

Holiday Heartburn Too much of a good thing? How can that be possible? First of all and not the last... Silent heartburn is heartburn. Defined as other symptoms but lacking the regurgitation sensation. If you have regurgitation happening your heart burn is over 10/10!! Heartburn is not an H2 blocker deficiency, examples of these [...]

Hungarian Goulash

Honoring the Ancestors - Hungarian Goulash 2 ½ pounds of stewing beef chunk cubed 3 tbsp olive oil 3 large onions minimum sliced 4 roma tomatoes diced ½ tsp celtic or Redmond salt 1/2 tsp – 1 tsp black pepper 3 tbsp of sweet or hot paprika 5 cloves of garlic minced or grated [...]

Rest Sleep Hibernation

Rest, Sleep and Hibernation Essential tonics for our minds and bodies. Sometimes I wonder if the smarter animals hibernate! Not to escape but to conserve and prepare for a time of renewal – which assuredly will happen. Spring always follows Winter! IKEA markets their “Bedroom Wear and Decor"  by acknowledging [...]

Elixir of Death

Elixir of Death? Eye of newt, Salamander sweat, Poison of toad, and Saliva of leech – no not really!! Liquid herbal medicine may taste like you are going to die but plant medicine is loaded with many biochemicals. Tannins, terpenes, isothiocyanates, alkaloids, isoflavones, glucosinolates, saponins, and polyphenols,  contribute to that yummy bitter flavour. It’s [...]

Female Hormones and the Full Moon

Female Hormones and the Full Moon - is there a connection? Before you start cackling with your female friends...consider this! Sleep a little restless or lacking on a full moon? Weird dreams? Feel compelled to howl at the moon with tension or frustration or maybe just for the fun of it? Like a looney [...]

Stress and Your Symptoms

Stress and Your Symptoms - Free as a butterfly?  Not yet? Stress is a key factor in mental and physical health symptoms. The Covid pandemic and pandemonium may be greatly or even subtly impacting you and perhaps other stressors have revealed themselves during Covid “time out”. Have you been experiencing any of the following [...]

Vibrant Leafy Greens

Vibrant Leafy Greens Creating an attractive tasty dish of "Greens" contributes calcium, magnesium, potassium, folate to name a few - is a seasonal must have ! Part of the beet family, many prefer it lightly steamed. Saute 1/4 c chopped onions, crushed garlic clove, in a small amount of olive oil Sprinkle salt, pepper, [...]