Pomegranate and Chicken Pilaf

Pomegranate and Chicken Pilaf Ingredients 1 -2 tbsp olive oil 1 onion or 4-5 green onions finely chopped 2 large cloves garlic 6 boneless chicken thighs diced Basmati Rice cooked 3 cups 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 rsp ground cumin 1-2 1 lemon zest 1.5 cups chicken stock  or water with salt/pepper Buches of [...]

Healing vs Curing

Healing vs Curing By definition... Curing is to relieve the symptoms of a disease or condition. The curing can be fast, For example - Remove the sliver, and the pain and irritation is reduced. But is it healed? Healing is the process of creating a state of health again! And this healing [...]

Clean Safe Water for Everyone

Clean Safe Water for Everyone On JULY 24, 2019, Calgary City Council will re- evaluate adding fluoride to our water ! Dr. Paul Connett, PhD in Chemistry, of the Fluoride Action Network; and Dr. Bob Dickson MD, Founder of Safe Water Calgary have been discussing these issues extensively. There are many issues that affect Calgary’s [...]

What’s the Beef?

What’s the Beef? Do you know the difference between grass fed or the more available grain fed beef? Is it worth the price difference? Nutritionally Grass fed – must be foraging for its life span other than milk from its mother. Leaner in fat therefore healthier as the toxic load accumulates in the fat [...]

Everyone wants more energy right?

Everyone Wants More Energy, Right? Fast paced lives, busy minds, we don’t have time to feel tired! It’s the number one symptom that comes into my office....usually attached to a variety of ailments but sometimes it’s just plain old, “ I feel tired all the time !” And ALWAYS it seems to be part [...]