What’s the Beef?

Do you know the difference between grass fed or the more available grain fed beef? Is it worth the price difference?


  • Grass fed – must be foraging for its life span other than milk from its mother.
  • Leaner in fat therefore healthier as the toxic load accumulates in the fat or the marbling seen in the meat.
  • Gram for gram grass fed has fewer calories.

The fat composition is different:

  • Grass fed has less monosaturated fats.
  • Similar omega 6 fats to grain fed.
  • Most important it contains up to 5 times the amount of omega 3
  • Higher in alphalinoleic acid ( a fatty acid associated to cardiovascular protective value)\
  • 4 x Higher in antioxidants such as Vitamin E, higher Vitamin A builders

Beef in general is loaded with B12, B3, and B6, iron , selenium and zinc. Also Creatinine and carnosine for our muscles and brain. A healthier raised livestock is more likely to maintain these nutrients. Excess cooking can reduce these nutrients.

Other considerations:

  • Grass fed beef tends to be less industrialized therefore less use of veterinary drugs, growth hormones, feed additives or neutraceuticals, which varies from country to country and with in the country.
  • In Ontario, the majority is corn finished vs Western Canda is finished on barley- based diet.
  • Grazing in Alberta is common because of our available land.
  • Finishing (increasing size and fattening) livestock in feed lots is the difference and for length of time.
  • Close quarters in feedlots creates animal stress, increases chance of injury and infection. Rushing the growing process of animals reduces cost to the producers …making short cuts on quality an issue.

Type and size of breed is a consideration in the ability to grass finish cattle properly to avoid a perception that grass fed is gamier, tougher and unpleasant.

Consuming nutrient dense food means you can eat less to benefit more.

Lastly…be an informed consumer, ask for more transparency about where your food comes from and how it is produced.